
General Settings#

Time Zone#

The time zone set will be applied to your relative date resolution (i.e yesterday, 2 weeks ago,...)

Friendly Loading Message#

Email Schedule Settings#

This setting will help you to edit Sender Name, Sender's Email Address and Inform users other than relevant owners when email scheduling fail.

However, for some technical reason, after changing the Sender's Name and Email, sometimes emails will be sent to the Spam box, so please avoid using this if possible.

Chart Color Palettes#

Check Color Palettes for more information

Chart Visualization Settings#

Cache Settings#

In this setting, users could bust all cache stored (in reports, filters) by clicking Bust Cache. This will help them quickly get updated data without having to manually refresh each and every cache of all the reports, filters, etc.

Users could also set Default Cache Duration (120 minutes for example)

Job Queuing Settings#

Please check Job Queue Management docs

Maintenance Mode#


IP Whitelisting#

Check IP Whitelisting for more information