Holistics CLI

Holistics Command-line Tool#

Holistics CLI is an interface to Holistics Data Preparation module (like data transport, data transform, import).

Setting Up#

Ruby 2.5+ compatibility issues

Currently, the Holistics CLI encounters some unexpected compatibility issues on Ruby 2.5 or later. We are working on it!

Holistics CLI works with Ruby 2.0 onwards, if you don't have it installed on Linux/Mac OSX, we suggest you install it with RVM:

$ curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

After you have Ruby installed on your computer, then run:

$ gem install holistics


For general help or a list of command, run:

$ holistics help

Here is a list of some Holistics CLI commands you can run: Holistics CLI commands

Authentication (done once)#

Next, perform authentication, you can get the token in Holistics (go to Settings, under API Key section). Specifically, first grant user permissions to access API in User Management, then visit your user settings and generate a user token.

$ holistics login <token>
Authenticating token...
Authentication successful. Info:
- ID: 1