Embed Analytics Inside Your Applications (Legacy)
Embedding dashboards into your own applications with Holistics is as easy as embedding a YouTube video! Holistics embedded dashboards use secure iframes, which you can easly place inside your application in your preferred language.
For more detailed information, please have a look at our supporting documentation on
embedded analytics. Sample code for rendering your embedded iframe in Ruby, Python, NodeJS and Java is also available at the embed analytics integration guide sandbox.Here is a quick 3 step process for using embedded analytics:
Step 1: Prepare a Holistics dashboard, with a shared dropdown filter based on your customer IDs for your dashboard reports. You can refer to more information on Holistics report shared filters
here.Step 2: Select 'Embed link' on your dashboard, create a new embed link and generate your embed codes. You can test these embed codes in our embed analytics
integration guide sandbox.Step 3: Generate your encrypted customer tokens using JSON web tokens (JWT) for secure customer access (so customers will only see their own data and not others), and embed your iframe into your application. Your application now has an embedded analytics dashboard!