Geo Heatmap
Geographic Heat Map (Geo Heatmap for short) is an interactive visualization that displays your data points on a real map and signifies areas of low and high density.
Create a Geo HeatmapTo create a Geo Heat map, the following fields are required:
- Latitude: The latitude value of your data point
- Longitude: The longitude value of your data point
- Weight: The weight, or "intensity" of the point.
- Label: Label to be displayed on the tool tip when you click on a point's market
Latitude and Longitude are compulsory fields, while Weight and Label are optional.
Styling options- Radius: The radius of influence of each point
- Max Intensity
- Show Markers: Toggle this on to show markers on the data points.
- Auto Center: Toggle this on to center the map and zoom out automatically so all data points are visible.