Import Google Analytics Data

The Google Analytics integration lets you import your Google Analytics data โ€” provided by the Google Analytics Reporting API โ€” into your relational databases.


From December 2021, we are no longer supporting the new version of importing data from Google Analytics. Please check out the announcement and suggested solution here.

Step Setup#

1. Create a Google Analytics data source#

Holistics will first request your permission to access your Google Analytics data. The credentials will be saved for further uses.

2. Import Your Data#
  • Select a Property and a Analytics View
  • Select Metrics (required), Dimensions, and Date Range to preview your data.
  • You can also customize your query with Filter. Here are some basic syntax:

Metric Filters






Does not equal


Greater than



Less than



Greater than or equal to



Less than or equal to


Dimension Filters



Exact match



Does not match



Contains substring



Does not contain substring



Contains a match for the regular expression



Does not match regular expression


Combining filters

  • OR: using a comma (,) to define OR operator. Examples:
ga:country==Hong Kong,ga:country=Canada
  • AND: using a semi-colon (;) to define AND operator. Example:

Please follow the Filter Syntax for more information.

For an in-depth guide about Google Analytics dimensions and metrics, please refer to this guide by Google: Dimensions and metrics

  • Click Validate query to Preview your data

Note: Google Analytics only allows a maximum number of 7 Dimensions and 10 Metrics.

Relative Date#

Please note that Holistics allows users to select relative date range when importing Google Analytics.

With this feature, you could get the newest data from Google Analytics by setting the End Date to a relative date (for example, Yesterday, a Week ago, etc.) rather than a Specific Date (2019-01-05)

3. Select Destination#

  • The final step is to select a destination data source for storing the Google Analytics data

Note About Sampling#

Google Analytics may or may not return sampled data based on your query (dimensions and metrics). When sampling is applied, Holistics will try to import the most accurate data provided.

Auto-import data from Google Analytics to Database#

For example, if you want to import your Google Analytics Data weekly, you need to choose a relative date range (7 days ago - yesterday)

By doing this, your Data from Google Analytics will always be updated from a week ago to yesterday of your current date. Therefore, you will always get weekly updated data from Google Analytics going to your Database